Vacuum Lifter Request for Quote

Please fill out the form below to the best of your ability. The more information provided the more likely you will get a quote fast and a piece of machinery optimized to your needs. Usually we cannot work up a quote without certain key information so if we do not have it we will contact you. Not all fields on this form are relevant to every application but if it is please try to include as much as possible. You can use this form or email us with the information. Thank you.

*Indicates Required Field




Material Specifications:


These are the key application specs we need.


Maximum Load Length: (Determines length of lifters main beam.)

Minimum Load Length: (Determines minimum pad position along beam.)

Maximum Load Width: (Determines length of crossarms, if needed.)

Minimum Load Width: (Determines minumum pad position along crossarms.)

Maximum Sheet and Plate Thickness at Max. Length & Width: (Determines maximum load weight.)

Minimum Sheet and Plate Thickness: (Determines how many cups are needed to support thinner loads without sagging.)

Maximum Load Weight: (This plus the lifter weight will determine crane capacity. Crane should have 15% more capacity than needed per code.)

Minimum Load Weight: (Determines if a Mechanical style generator can be used.)

Maximum Material Temperature: (Determines if high-heat cups are needed.)

Minimum Material Temperature: (Below freezing requires softer vacuum seal compound as rubber hardens with cold)



Load Orientation: (check all that apply)










Required Power Source: (check any you are interested in)