ANVER Vacuum Lifters, Vacuum Tube Lifters, Ergonomic Vacuum End-EffectorsVacuum Lifting System Pad Attachments
Custom Vacuum Pad Attachments for 
a Variety of Applications

ANVER Vacuum Tube Lifters can be an Economical Solution to your Material Handling Problems.  We Manufacture and Stock Hundreds of Vacuum Pad Attachments for almost any Lifting Application. However, we are not limited to only these stock items. With over thirty years experience in the field of vacuum material handling, we can design a system to handle items of almost any shape or size. Our Applications Engineers will be happy to help you find the system that is right for you. Below are a few examples of our capabilities.

Vacuum Tube Lifter with Pad Attachment for Lifting and Packing Liquid Containers
Vacuum Tube Lifter with Pad Attachment 
for Lifting and Packing Liquid Containers
Vacuum Tube Lifter with Pad Attachment for Handling Rolled Goods
Vacuum Tube Lifter with Pad Attachment
 for Handling Rolled Goods
Vacuum Tube Lifter with Side Gripping Pad Attachment
Vacuum Tube Lifter with Side Gripping
 Pad Attachment
Vacuum Tube Lifter with Pad Attachment for Handling Cylindrical Objects
Vacuum Tube Lifter with Pad Attachment
 for Handling Cylindrical Objects