ANVER Vacuum Lifters, Vacuum Cups, Vacuum Pumps, Vacuum Tube Lifters, Vacuum Sheet and Plate Lifters, Vacuum End-EffectorsPhotograph Submissions

By submitting your photograph to ANVER Corp, you grant ANVER a perpetual, royalty free, worldwide, non-exclusive license to publish your photograph in any and all forms, including both print and electronic, and including on ANVER’s website and on the website of any licensee or assignee of ANVER. You agree that we or any licensee or assignee of ours may display or reproduce your photograph(s) in works of any kind and may modify or adapt or electronically transmit your photograph and/or publish your photograph in any context.

In submitting your photograph you warrant to ANVER that the photograph is original with you and that you have full power and authority to grant the license set forth above and have not granted any rights to third parties that would be inconsistent with this license. Where photos of people are submitted, you agree to having obtained the consent of those people wherever possible and if applicable.

We reserve the right not to publish images that are submitted and to edit the images as we see fit. ANVER’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. ANVER reserves the right to cancel this offer at any stage, if deemed necessary in its opinion, and/or if circumstances arise outside of its control. By submitting your photograph(s) to ANVER, you agree to indemnify ANVER against all legal fees, damages and other expenses that may be incurred by ANVER as a result of your breach of the above warranty. Entrants submitting photographs will be deemed to have accepted these rules and to agree to be bound by them when entering this competition. This includes entries made via email.

All photographs will be subject to review for approval by ANVER. Once approval is granted and the photograph is added to, ANVER will send a check for $100 to the person specified when the original photograph was submitted. ANVER will attempt to notify all entrants regarding the submitted photograph(s) approval by reply email. One photograph will be chosen as the best by ANVER by December 1, 2004. ANVER’s decision is final. The entrant submitting this single chosen photograph will be notified by reply email and sent an additional check for $250.