A new, powered vacuum lifter-tilter with manual rotation that lets one person off-load a conveyor and then lift, tilt, rotate, and position it to a staging area is being introduced by ANVER Corp. of Hudson, Massachusetts.
The ANVER AT Series Vacuum Lifter-Tilter provides powered lift and tilt and features manual rotation which lets one person lift, tilt, and rotate large panels and sheets from conveyors to staging areas and subsequent processes. Equipped with integrated push-button handlebar controls, this lifter-tilter has four oval suction pads and parking stands at both ends of the beam.
Providing fast attach and release, other standard features of the ANVER AT Series Vacuum Lifter-Tilter with manual rotation include vacuum gauges and audio-visual safety alarms. Available with capacities up to 1,000 lbs., this lifter-tilter-rotator is designed for handling aluminum-, plastic-, and wood sheet and panels, windows, doors, and similar products.