Vacuum Lifters Vacuum Lifter Protects Delicate Sheets

A custom vacuum lifter for pick-and-place systems handling ultra-thin sheets of foils, films, and glass that is designed to prevent puckering and surface damage is being introduced by ANVER Corporation of Hudson, Massachusetts.
The ANVER VPF-57 Series Custom Vacuum Lifter for delicate sheets features multiple double spring-loaded suspensions with soft rubber accordion style vacuum cups for handling sheets of foils and films down to 26 gauge, and glass. Designed for pick-and-place applications, this lifter has fully adjustable cross arms with shut-off valves to provide optimum setup flexibility.
Available with air- or electric-powered vacuum generators, the ANVER VPF-57 Series is equipped with an integrated vacuum guard system and has audio-visual safety alarms, in the event of a malfunction, and includes parking stands to keep the vacuum suction cups from touching the floor. This custom lifter can also include remote controls for manual sheet handling.
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