Vacuum System Components Vacuum Cup Sealing Rings Changed without System Breakdown
A full line of air-tight vacuum cup sealing rings that allow untrained personnel to change them rapidly in the field without breaking down an entire system is available from ANVER Corporation of Hudson, Massachusetts.
ANVER SSR Series Vacuum Cups feature a rubber sealing ring that snaps into an aluminum pad which has a machined groove and can be changed by hand in the field without disassembling an entire vacuum system. Providing an air-tight seal, they are available in 4” thru 9” (101 mm thru 229 mm) dia. sizes, various materials, and a full range of vacuum cup suspension systems to match applications.
Suitable for use in virtually all vacuum-based automation, pick-and-place, and material transfer systems, ANVER SSR Series Vacuum Cups have an inside safety sealing edge and a short lip design for rapid vacuum attachment and release. Unlike conventional bonded cups, these snap-in sealing rings eliminate the need for tools, clamps, screws, and fasteners.
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