A full line of vacuum suction cups that will not leave ghost marks on hot optics and delicate molded plastic parts before their next coating or painting operation, is available from ANVER Corp. of Hudson, Massachusetts.
ANVER NOMATHANE® Vacuum Cups are designed for use with EOAT (end-of-arm tooling) in applications in which products need to be coated or painted after being removed from a mold or another process. Heat resistant to 356°F (180°C), these cups come in flat, single, and multi-bellows shapes, in standard 1/8″ to 2″ (3.2 mm to 51 mm) O.D. sizes.
Compounded from a silicone-free material, ANVER NOMATHANE® Vacuum Cups are extremely pliable, 50 Durometer, and will withstand greater heat than EPDM, Neoprene, NBR, Nitrile, TPU Polyurethane, and vinyl. Custom sizes up to 5″ (127 mm) O.D. can be provided.
ANVER NOMATHANE® Vacuum Cups are priced according to configuration and quantity; (similar to premium urethanes). Samples, literature, and pricing are available upon request.