The SFC-120 Ultra-Flat Suction Cup is designed for gripping sheet materials of various shapes and sizes, including flat materials in varying widths. Because of its ultra-flat shape, this suction cup can handle objects much narrower than itself (minimum width: 25 mm).
Uniquely designed with a long, tapered sealing lip, the cup can adapt to material surfaces including slightly uneven surfaces and can be used on sensitive materials. The cup works best on materials that are smooth, flat and fairly rigid. There can be no debris under the cup or it will not seal. The cup is made of epichler-H-rubber ECO making it very resistant to chemicals.
This is a hard-wearing suction cup with a metal 1/4″ male nipple vulcanized into the single sealing lip pad to provide maximum strength while handling sheet loads. This is a highly specialized vacuum cup. It’s suitability needs to be tested on a load to be certain it will work right. It is best suited for sheet materials.