. Mechanical Vacuum Lifters – Save Energy while Increasing ProductivityCompletely Self-Powered and Self-Cycling Heavy Duty and Custom Lifters The Leading Vacuum Lifters for Sheet and Plate Handling Click on Thumbnails below for full size images of these vacuum lifters Custom Mechanical Vacuum Lifters M100M with PA1220-S-3 M100M wtih L40M2-86OC M150M with PA1220-2-2MC M165M2-86 Eight Pad Vacuum Lifter M50M12-130-4/110 M100m with pa10-4-36-3 M100M with L50M4-150 M100M12-SP M100M with L60M6-110-3/44 M100M with L80M8-110-4/44 M100M with L100M4-86-2/44 M150M with L200M4-86-2/53 M150M with L200M4-86-2/72 M250M with 76500359 M300M6-86-3/44 M720M4-230 M250M with L300M6-120-3/44 M700M14-470-7/53 M410M6-184-3/51 M1000M4-230-2/TCP M1040M8-190-4/56FX M1200M12-468-6/53 Eight Pad Vacuum Lifter Eight Pad Vacuum Lifter M320M8-232-4-41